We are delighted to present to you a copy of our 2020 Annual Activity Report. Click Here.
This report highlights the work of our organisation in terms of supports, services and programmes we provide for our young members. The report also highlights many of the fundraising initiatives we engage in as part of our annual effort to raise approx. €85,000 to meet our ongoing needs. This is in addition to the core funding we receive from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the funding received through the Community Services Programme administered by Pobal.
You will also notice from the report, the myriad of companies, organisations and individuals that support our organisation on an annual basis. Without their loyalty, commitment, financial support and in many cases, volunteer hours, we would not be able to support our young members in the manner that we do.
Our grateful thanks to Cantec and Orafol who have supported the production of this publication for the last number of years.